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We believe financial management is the thoughtful oversight of our client’s investments centered around specific goals. Beyond serving as numeric performance benchmarks, these objectives symbolize all of the effort, patience, and dedication required to build financial stability over time.
For our existing clients, we offer secure, online portals where you can access key information about your portfolio and its performance.
If you need to set up your secure Client Portal, please contact our office.
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You are now leaving the Regency Investment Advisors® (“Regency”) website and will be entering the Charles Schwab & Co, Inc (“Schwab”) website. Schwab is a registered broker-dealer, and is not affiliated with Regency or any advisor whose name appears on this website. Regency is independently owned and operated. Schwab neither endorses nor recommends Regency. Regardless of any referral or recommendation, Schwab does not endorse or recommend the investment strategy of any advisor. Schwab has agreements with Regency under which Schwab provides Regency with services related to your account. Schwab does not review the Regency website and makes no representation regarding the content of the website. The information contained in the Regency website should not be considered to be either a recommendation by Schwab or a solicitation of any offer to purchase or sell any securities.