Retirement Plan Services

About Retirement Plans

A retirement plan has many benefits for you, your business, and your employees. Retirement plans allow you to save and invest now for financial security when you and your employees retire. Whether it be an existing plan or a new plan, we have the knowledge and experience to guide you through the complicated retirement plan process. Regency is here to serve you and your participants.

Close up of a womans hand putting money into a white piggy bank
Young asian couple celebrating and high fiving on the couch at home
Planning for the Future

Key Benefits of Company Retirement Plans

Benefits for Businesses

  • Employers receive assistance in managing the complexities of sponsoring a workplace retirement plan.
  • Businesses engage in plan consulting that best fits their needs.
  • Retirement plans attract and retain better employees, strengthening continuity and reducing hiring and training costs.
  • Employers receive tax benefits.
  • Assets in the plan grow tax-deferred or even tax-free.
  • A simplified, unbundled approach allows the assembly of best-in-class service providers.

Benefits for Employees

  • Learn about investment and retirement plan options through one-on-one or group meetings.
  • Employees enjoy tax-advantaged savings and investing for retirement.
  • Convenient, automated savings are built up through payroll deductions.
  • Compounding interest over time allows small regular contributions to grow into significant retirement savings.
  • Retirement assets can be carried over from one employer to another.
Supporting Your Business & Employees

Retirement Plan Services at Regency

Retirement plans have many crucial benefits to both employers and employees. For business owners, managing an employee retirement plan can be a daunting responsibility. Working with Regency means that you and your employees can have peace of mind knowing that you are investing in your personal futures.

Our responsibilities include:
Identifying and discussing the
qualified new plan types
Providing an employee education program, including discussions with plan participants about investment options
Assisting in the development of
diversified investment options
Assisting business owners and other trustees in meeting ongoing fiduciary responsibilities
Monitoring the investment portion of the plan to remain compliant with regulations
Preparing an investment
policy statement
Conducting due diligence to provide participants with premier investment choices
Collaborating with Plan Administrators
Identifying and discussing the qualified new plan types
Preparing an investment policy statement
Providing an employee education program, including discussions with plan participants about investment options
Conducting due diligence to provide participants with premier investment choices
Monitoring the investment portion of the plan to remain compliant with regulations
Assisting in the development of diversified investment options
Assisting business owners and other trustees in meeting ongoing fiduciary responsibilities
Collaborating with Plan Administrators

Open Architecture
(401k) Plan Structure

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